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#26 11/11/2023 12h09

Membre (2023)
Réputation :   1  

A l’occasion du démarrage des travaux du projet de Gasunie d’hydrogènoduc ( 30 premier km des 1200 km à venir) aux Pays bas avec 75% de gazoduc reconvertis, je me permet de pointer vers l’étude Hyway27 sur laquelle s’appuie le groupe :

Seven questions about hydrogen transmission through natural gas pipelines › Gasunie

HyWay27 Final report P9 a écrit :

Reusing existing natural gas pipelines is four times
more cost-effective than laying new hydrogen pipelines
• The figure to the right offsets the investments needed to
convert and reuse existing natural gas networks against
laying new pipelines with the same length (approx.
1200km) and diameter (36 inches). It shows that the
investment required for reuse is 4 times lower than the
investment that would be needed for new pipelines. This
figure corresponds to the international benchmarks that
assume that reuse costs between 10% and 35% of the
value of a new pipeline.
• Around 45% of the total investment for reuse consists of
actual conversion costs. Most of the costs are related to
cleaning and preparing the pipelines, which Gasunie
estimates at roughly 10% of what a new pipeline would
cost. This percentage depends partly on the required
level of hydrogen purity. Replacing the valves is the
other major cost item.
• Around 55% of the investment for reuse is made up of
the consideration payable for acquisition of existing
assets. Most of the natural gas networks that would be
reused for hydrogen transmission are owned by network
operator GTS. The consideration payable for these
assets is based on the average regulated asset value
per km (approx. 0.46 million per km) of the entire natural
gas grid, as set by the Dutch regulatory authority, ACM … /$318/$320

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#27 03/12/2023 14h41

Membre (2023)
Réputation :   1  

Premier PER d’hydrogène naturel délivré en France:

La France délivre le premier permis de recherches d’hydrogène naturel dans son sous-sol

Annoncé ce dimanche dans le Journal officiel, ce permis de recherches de mines d’hydrogène natif dit Sauve Terre H2 a été accordé à une société de Pau pour 5 ans, et concernera une zone de 225 km2.

ouest France premier PER

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