#1 22/12/2012 13h51
- Orion213
- Membre (2011)
- Réputation : 0
Bonjour a tous,
Resident au Japon, j’ai ouvert un compte chez Citibank afin de pouvoir investir dans des fonds d’actions et d’obligations (mutual funds) depuis leur site internet. La liste des fonds accessibles livre, entre autres, les informations suivantes:
Currency Net asset value Differential Rate of change
EUR 7.4500 -0.0400 -0.53 %
Quelle est la signification de Differential et Rate of change ?
D’autres parts, apres avoir lu plusieurs livres, ma preference va vers l’investissement dans des fonds indiciels (index funds). Apres avoir regarde la liste des 217 fonds proposes par citibank, seuls 3 comportent le mot "index" dans leur titre. Cela veut il forcement dire que tous les autres fonds sont des fonds de gestion active ?
Alliance Bernstein AllianceBernstein-Eurozone Strategic Value Portfolio - Closed
Alternative Investments Global Futures Fund(JPY)
Alternative Investments Global Futures Fund(USD)
BlackRock BlackRock Global Allocation Portfolio AUD Class
BlackRock BlackRock Global Allocation Portfolio USD Class
BlackRock BlackRock World Income Portfolio AUD Class
BlackRock BlackRock World Income Portfolio EUR Class
BlackRock BlackRock World Income Portfolio USD Class
BlackRock Japan Black Rock Latin America Equity Fund
BlackRock Japan BlackRock GOLD Fund
Citigroup First Investment Management Commodity Currencies Linked Fund(USD)(10-11) (nickname: Carry Four3) - Closed
Citigroup First Investment Management Country Selector Foreign Currency Series USD
Citigroup First Investment Management PP Asian Currencies (USD)(10-04) (nickname : Carry Four Asia) - Closed
Citigroup First Investment Management PP Commodity Rich Currencies (USD)(09-12) (nickname : Carry Four) - Closed
Deutsche Asset Management DWS Brazil Real Bond Fund Capital Growth
Deutsche Asset Management DWS Brazil Real Bond Fund Monthly Dividend
Deutsche Asset Management DWS Global Agribusiness Equity Fund
Deutsche Asset Management Deutsche India Equity Fund
Deutsche Asset Management Deutsche Russia Eastern Europe Equities
Fidelity Investments Fidelity Japan Aggressive Growth
Fidelity Investments Fidelity Japan Growth
Fidelity Investments Fidelity Japan Small Cap
Fidelity Investments Fidelity Technology (JPY)
Franklin Templeton Investments Templeton Global Bond Fund Hedge (nick name: Chikyu-go)
Franklin Templeton Investments Templeton Global Bond Fund Monthly Dividend (nick name: Chikyu-go)
Franklin Templeton Investments Templeton Global Bond Fund Nonhedge (nick name: Chikyu-go)
Goldman Sachs Asset Management GS BRICs Equity Fund
Goldman Sachs Asset Management GS Japan Small Cap Equity Fund
Goldman Sachs Asset Management netWIN Goldman Sachs Internet Strategy (A) Hedged
Goldman Sachs Asset Management netWIN Goldman Sachs Internet Strategy (B) Unhedged
Goldman Sachs Management GS Professional Emerging Currency Bond (EUR)
Goldman Sachs Management GS Professional Emerging Currency Bond (JPY)
Goldman Sachs Management GS Professional Emerging Currency Bond (USD)
ING Funds Japan ING Asia High Yield -JPY Monthly Dividend
ING Funds Japan ING Asia High Yield -USD Monthly Dividend
Invesco Invesco Japanese Equity Fund - Closed
JPMorgan Asset Management JF ASEAN Growth Open
JPMorgan Asset Management JF China Active Open
JPMorgan Asset Management JPM Diversified Income Fund
JPMorgan Asset Management JPM World CB Open
Janus Janus Global Real Estate Fund JPY-CLASS A
Janus Janus Global Real Estate Fund JPY-CLASS B - Closed
Janus Janus Global Real Estate Fund USD-CLASS A
Janus Janus Global Real Estate Fund USD-CLASS B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Balanced Fund (JPY) A
Janus Janus Selection Balanced Fund (JPY) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Balanced Fund (USD) A
Janus Janus Selection Balanced Fund (USD) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Flexible Income Fund (JPY) A
Janus Janus Selection Flexible Income Fund (JPY) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Flexible Income Fund (USD) A
Janus Janus Selection Flexible Income Fund (USD) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection High-Yield Fund (JPY) A
Janus Janus Selection High-Yield Fund (JPY) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection High-Yield Fund (USD) A
Janus Janus Selection High-Yield Fund (USD) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection High-Yield MD Fund (JPY) A
Janus Janus Selection High-Yield MD Fund (USD) A
Janus Janus Selection Strategic Value Fund (JPY) A
Janus Janus Selection Strategic Value Fund (JPY) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Strategic Value Fund (USD) A
Janus Janus Selection Strategic Value Fund (USD) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Twenty Fund (JPY) A
Janus Janus Selection Twenty Fund (JPY) B - Closed
Janus Janus Selection Twenty Fund (USD) A
Janus Janus Selection Twenty Fund (USD) B - Closed
KOKUSAI Asset Management Global Sovereign Open Monthly Dividend
KOKUSAI Asset Management Global Sovereign Open Yearly Dividend
Legg Mason Legg Mason Funds Money (EUR)
Legg Mason Legg Mason Funds Money (USD)
Legg Mason Legg Mason International European Bond Fund (EUR) classA
Legg Mason Legg Mason International European Bond Fund (EUR) classB - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason International European Bond Fund (JPY) classA
Legg Mason Legg Mason International European Bond Fund (JPY) classB - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason International US Bond Fund (JPY) ClassA
Legg Mason Legg Mason International US Bond Fund (USD) ClassA
Legg Mason Legg Mason International US Bond Fund (USD) ClassB - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason International US Bond Fund(JPY) ClassB - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 10 EUR A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 10 EUR B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 10 JPY A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 10 JPY B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 10 USD A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 10 USD B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 30 EUR A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 30 EUR B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 30 JPY A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 30 JPY B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 30 USD A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 30 USD B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 50 EUR B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 50 JPY B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 50 EUR A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 50 JPY A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 50 USD A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 50 USD B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 70 USD B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 70 EUR A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 70 EUR B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 70 JPY A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 70 JPY B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 70 USD A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 90 EUR A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 90 EUR B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 90 JPY A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 90 JPY B - Closed
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 90 USD A
Legg Mason Legg Mason Select 90 USD B - Closed
Lyxor Class B Hedge Fund Linked 110% Capital Protected (EUR) - Closed
Lyxor Class B Hedge Fund Linked 110% Capital Protected (USD) - Closed
Lyxor Class B Hedge Fund Linked 123% Capital Protected (AUD) - Closed
Lyxor Class B Hedge Fund Linked 130% Capital Protected (NZD) - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked 113% Capital Protected F (EUR) B - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked 117% Capital Protected F (USD) B - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked 125% Capital Protected F (USD) B - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked Fund (EUR) B - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked Fund (JPY) - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked Fund (USD) B - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked Non CP Part II (EUR) B - Closed
Lyxor Hedge Fund Linked Non CP Part II (USD) B - Closed
Man Man AHL Yen Trust
Moore AUD Currency Linked PPF0906 - Closed
Nikko Asset Management Citi Country Selector
Nikko Asset Management Nikko China A-Stock Fund (nickname : KOGA)
Nikko Asset Management Nikko Eco
Nikko Asset Management Nikko Global High-Dividend Equity Fund (nickname : GUNBAI)
Nikko Asset Management Nikko Index Fund 225
Nikko Asset Management Nikko Index Fund TSP
Nikko Asset Management Nikko LaSalle Global REIT Fund (Monthly Dividend)
Nikko Asset Management Nikko World Zaisan San Bun Po Fund
Nikko Asset Management Professional Stage
Nikko Asset Management Wallet of the World
Nikko Asset Management Wallet of the World - Capital Growth
Nissay Asset Management Nissay Nippon Income Open - J bond
Parcadia Best Performer - Closed
Parcadia Best Performer E - Closed
Parcadia Best Performer II - Closed
Parcadia Best Performer III - Closed
Parcadia Hedge Fund - FX Financials& Futures(JPYPP) - Closed
Parcadia Hedge Fund Selection - Natural Resources(JPY)
Parcadia Hedge Fund Selection - The Professional Fixed Income (JPY) - Closed
Parcadia Hedge Fund Selection - The Professional Fixed Income (USD) - Closed
Parcadia The Look Back Real Estate Index Linked Fund - Closed
SMBC Nikko Investment Capital US Growth and Income Fund (JPY) (nickname : Investment Trust of America)
SMBC Nikko Investment Capital US Growth and Income Fund (USD) (nickname : Investment Trust of America)
SMBC Nikko Investment PIMCO Total Return Strategy (JPY)
SMBC Nikko Investment PIMCO Total Return Strategy (USD)
SMBC Nikko Investment Premium Funds European High Yield (EUR)
SMBC Nikko Investment Premium Funds European High Yield (JPY) Hedged
SMBC Nikko Investment Premium Funds European High Yield (USD) Hedged
SMBC Nikko Investment Premium Funds Professional Currency Trade Fund (JPY Hedged) (nickname : Citi Diamond)
SMBC Nikko Investment Premium Funds Professional Currency Trade Fund (USD) (nickname : Citi Diamond)
SPARX Asset Management SPARX Japan Equity Fund (BIG WAVE21)
SPARX Asset Management SPARX Japan Small Cap Fund (RISING SUN)
SPARX Overseas Ltd. SOL Japan Fund
Schroders Schroder Dividend Protected Fund III (USD) - Closed
Schroders Schroder Premier Series Dividend Protected Fund IV (USD) - Closed
Schroders Schroder Protected Payout Fund (USD) - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Asia Bond (JPY) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Asia Bond (JPY) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Asia Bond (USD) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Asia Bond (USD) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Asia Bond MD (JPY) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Asia Bond MD (USD) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - BRIC Equity (JPY) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - BRIC Equity (JPY) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - BRIC Equity (USD) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - BRIC Equity (USD) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Commodity AUD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Commodity EUR-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Commodity JPY-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Commodity USD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Converging Europe Bond (EUR) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Converging Europe Bond (EUR) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Converging Europe Bond (EUR) MD Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Converging Europe Bond (JPY) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Converging Europe Bond (JPY) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Converging Europe Bond (JPY) MD Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Emerging Bond (JPY) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Emerging Bond (JPY) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Emerging Bond (USD) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Emerging Bond (USD) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Balanced (EUR)A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Balanced (EUR)B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Balanced (JPY)A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Balanced (JPY)B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Bond (EUR)A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Bond (EUR)B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Bond (JPY)A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Bond (JPY)B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Equity (EUR) B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Equity (EUR)A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Equity (JPY)A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Euro Equity (JPY)B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield AUD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield EUR-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield JPY-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield MD AUD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield MD EUR-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield MD JPY-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield MD USD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Global High Yield USD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Greater China Equity (JPY) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Greater China Equity (JPY) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Greater China Equity (USD) Class A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Greater China Equity (USD) Class B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity AUD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity EUR-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity JPY-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity JPY-CLASS B - Closed
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity MD AUD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity MD EUR-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity MD JPY-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity MD USA-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity USD-CLASS A
Schroders Schroder Selection - Yield Equity USD-CLASS B - Closed
UBS Global Asset Management UBS Australian Bond Open Monthly Dividend
Mots-clés : citibank, fonds, gestion active, gestion passive
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